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I Nostri Consigli
  I Nostri Consigli
  -> Bar Pasticcerie Gelaterie
  Nome Indirizzo
Bar Dell’amicizia Via Vittorio Emanuele,60
Bar delle Rose Via Roma
Bar 13.5 Via Roma
Bar del Porto Via Cameroni(presso porto turistico)
Mi scialaiu Via Roma
  -> Pescherie Il piacere di comprare il pesce ancora vivo
  Nome Indirizzo
Mercatino del pesce Via Lungomare Luigi Rizzo (presso porto vecchio)
La fonte del pesce Via Cameroni (fronte porto turistico)
  -> Rosticcerie - Rosticceria di Pesce Prelibatezze pronte a base di pesce
  Nome Indirizzo
Martorana Via Roma
La nuova Azzurra Via Roma (Fronte Carabinieri)
  -> Panificio Pane e tanto altro ancora……………
  Nome Indirizzo
Panificio Cose Buone Via Mazzini
  -> Supermarket
  Nome Indirizzo
Sisa C.da Grecale,Via Riso
Conad Via Lungomare L.Rizzo
  -> Centro Diving
  -> Noleggio Barche
  -> Natura
  Nome Indirizzo
C.T.S Via Lungomare Luigi Rizzo(Gita in barca alla scoperta dei Delfini)
WWF Via Grecale (Visita al Centro delle Tartarughe Marine)
  Liquori tipici e Sapori di Lampedusa
  Nome Indirizzo
Sapori e liquori di Lampedusa via Marconi
  Souvenir,cartoline e articoli da regalo
  Nome Indirizzo
American Bazar Via Roma 50
  Prodotti Ittici Locali Metti in valigia i sapori e gli odori di Lampedusa
  Nome Indirizzo
C.I.P Via Riso 7
The city was encircled by boundaries under Falaride, to the beginning of the sec. YOU TO. C. The work of fortification was long 12 kms, with nine doors overhung from square towers. The city assembled him in the southern part, on the slant that goes down toward the Valley of the Temples, with an urbanistic structure to plant ortogonale and great central artery, on the western side of which the public buildings were built. Of great archaeological interest is the complex of temples gild us situated in the Valley of the Temples. The most ancient is the Heraklèion (520 to. C.), periptero esastilo, type archaic (plant notably lengthened, curved lines of the capitals). After 480 to. C. a great constructive activity was had. Of this period I am the Olympièion, of colossal (m 56.111.40) dimensions, that introduces a wall full to the place of the peristilio, with semicolonne to the outside intercalated by telamoni (tall 7,65 ms); the temple of Demetra (in antis), with two round altars and that of the Dioscuris (480-460 to. C.). Between 450 and 430 to. C. the so-called temples of Era Lacinia and the Harmony were built, one of the most perfect realizations in style dorico of the antiquity. The temple, esastilo periptero, has been intact because you/he/she was used as Christian church by the sec.


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